Une journée de découverte du monde équestre.
25 décembre 2017
Une journée d’épanouissement à Mega Mall
29 décembre 2017

The Pilot Program in the English Language

On 22nd,23rd,24th December 2017 generation future school have organized an intresting program « the pilot program in the English Language » for the benefit of high school students (Future Generations School group and El mandar Eljamil High School) under the slogan « compnionship through language , Language through companionship » In the presence of many teachers from united state America : Dr and prof in George Town University in USA , Teacher David Balgley,Teacher Erin Gould, Teacher David Rogers,Teacher Moya Bedward,Teacher Abigale Belcrest, Teacher safae El hajouji from fés and the other teachers of El mandar Eljamil hight school as Dr and Teacher Said Ennakchi and English techers of generation futures school teacher Nouha chlihe and teacher iman aghbalou. The program was an intresting apportunity for the students where it included many topics as the differences between American and Morrocan cultures, globalisation , Racisim and stereotype all the topics were very intresting for the students to extchange the ideas and informations besides the English topics it was the Arabic workshop under the title « How am I tolerant? »